Notes on Tech

“Campaign 2016’s killer app”

“It’s important to not only have the app, but to have the tools in it that empower that individual supporter and put a field office on their smart phone.”

Well played Podio

Saw an unsafe script message in Podio tonight (turned out to be a youtube video loading over HTTP) but then found this in the Chrome Developer Console: Well played, Podio, well played. Don't use Podio? You should. It's the best project management, CRM, Agile software...

Infrastructure as a Service Providers

Web hosting companies have been around as long as the Internet, but in recent years as bandwidth has become faster and hardware more commoditized, some hosts have expanded their offerings to include full on servers and network infrastructure. This is the "cloud" we...

Javascript to keep your website’s copyright date up-to-date

It's a new year, and with that annual milestone comes the annual scramble to update the copyright year on all of your websites. Next year, skip the hassle and replace the date with this one line of Javascript: <script> document.write(new Date().getFullYear())...

Digital vs. Advertising

I read an interview this morning where the subject of the interview was a supposed "digital" guy. But the entire interview was about advertising. This tells me we still have a long way to go in making digital mainstream, when firms that are purely about pushing online...

Talking about your app

I was reminded this morning of a simple marketing truth that app developers so often miss: when talking about your service: Skip the features. Talk about value. What does looks like? When someone asks "Can you sync with Twitter?" the answer isn't "Yes, we have an API...

BlueHornet in the SPAM folder

Emails from BlueHornent, the email service provider (ESP) that powers many conservative email senders, including the agency Paramount, are currently almost universally going to spam. Salsa Labs, the progressive email provider, is also getting spam canned. Based on...

Video: Media Convergence

We experience media convergence every day, from checking websites on our cell phones to watching TV shows on our computers. This video does a great job of putting the trends into perspective in a visually engaging format.