It’s the Audience, Stupid

Not a day goes by that we don’t hear about the latest trend in digital marketing. Last week it was search engine optimization. Before that it was social networking. This week, I got an email from someone saying “it’s all about mobile.”...

Hype and Anchorman 2

Anchorman 2 was bound to be the holiday hit of the century. Quotables from the first Anchorman are now common lexicon for the American public. The only problem? It flopped.

What is “Digital”?

With the rapid pace of change in today’s marketing environment, it’s useful to take a step back and talk about exactly what we mean when we talk about “digital marketing”. As a digital agency, it’s a pretty all consuming affair for us,...

What PR Pros Do

So what do you do? Depends on who you ask! Several industries have had their reputations on display the past few days as a new meme has spread across the Internet. So since everyone from media buyers and media sellers to political operatives have had their turn, we...

Create or Aggregate Content? Both.

Found this article on AmEx OPEN and wanted to share it with you all. If your job at all involves online activity or content (i.e., 99.9% of all PR professionals), then this is a must-read article on how to balance both creating original content as well as aggregating...

Pitching Digital

There’s a great article in Digiday today about how is gearing up to compete with its larger rivals and Yahoo!: “Can CBS ever catch Yahoo and ESPN for digital sports dominance? is doubling down on premium, original...